send us your card
Janez Janša, Janez Janša, Janez Janša
Jakopičeva ulica 11
SI 1000 Ljubljana
Please use a secured postal service.
We highly recommend you to contact us before sending your Card so we can discuss the details, get to know each other in person and enhance our common trust.
The artists that will sign your Card

With us your card is in good hands
The bank card which will be sent to be signed by the authors shall not be used for any other purpose or in any other way. The bank card shall not be photographed, recorded or reproduced in any way, unless the card holder gives us explicit permission to photograph, record or reproduce the bank card solely for the purpose of documentation or public presentation of author’s work.
The bank card, which is signed on the reverse side by the authors, will be sent back to you to the specified address of your choice. The bank holder is solely liable for the choice of the provider of postal or any other delivery services by which the bank card shall be sent.