Portorož, Slovenia. Sunday 30 september 10.30 am.

Festival of Slovenian Film. I was there. And Janez Janša was there too, together with his fellow friend and artist Janez Janša.

How could we have missed the first official screening of our movie My Name Is Janez Janša after all?

The foyer of the auditorium was jam-packed. Good sign. But still I was a bit nervous. A lot of people decided to wake up early in the morning that day to see (at last!) this »controversial« movie. Quite a burden…

Finally the doors of the hall opened to the audience and folks flowed in. The lights went down and the movie started. All the senses of my body were in alert to capture the slightest reaction of the audience.

I should say that, as a matter of fact, the audience reacted exactly in the way I was predicting: laughing there where they suppose to laugh and being serious and focused there where the movie demanded a deeper reflection. But then something unexpected happened: during a certain key sequence of the movie the entire hall suddenly exploded in a long and spontaneous applause. Empathy raised to the power of ten! That meant to me far more that any prize anyone can ever give to this movie.
I know… I’m not telling you what sequence it was, neither the meaning this sequence has within the movie’s dramaturgy line … but, I can’t do it here, right now, on this blog. I rather invite you to attend on of the next screenings. I’m sure you’ll be able to figure out yourself exactly what scene I was talking about.

